Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

The Savory of Lontong Sayur

This is my first post regarding food, the one of my million hobby kinda things (hehe..).
For this month Im about saving up money so Im not wasting a lot of rupiah for just satisfy my desire to full my stomach.Yepp..For most of employee ( in Indonesia probably), whether they have a lot of salary or not. On this middle (going end) of the month, they will thing about how to dicrease the lunch budget (especially for me..haha).
And maybe this is my luck. May Lord heard my pray on the morning. My friend on the office was asking me about go have some lunch together. And for surprise beside he wanted to treat me , he asked me about what food that I want to eat (how lucky I am..yaaay!!).

And after so food-sick (Im calling it that way because Im not really fit with the food here in Jakarta). I really want to heal from it, and one of my first trial is "LONTONG SAYUR". As my vision, Lontong sayur seems really seasoned. Maybe it will salve my appetizer.

So this is the look of the Lontong Sayur itself.  Some called Lontong Sayur as Kupat (Ketupat) sayur also. Maybe because lontong and ketupat is made on the same ingredient (white rice that been wrapped and get boiled until soft). It is only the material and shape of the ingredient to wrap it out. Lontong is wrapped by Banana leaves in a long form while Ketupat is wrapped by coconut leaves in a quadrangural shape.

Here we can see, that actually lontong sayur served with lontong (cooked rice) and vegetable soup which is consist of slice of young jackfruit, and egg. And as additional sprinkled with crumbs of rice crackers (kerupuk beras), fried onions ( so that make it smell good). The vegetable soup is so oily while I dont really know the seasoning in it. But the taste of coconut milk here was so strong.

And in Indonesia there is one thing for most of people like that called Sambal. No sambal is mean not delicious. Thank god, the meal also completed with the special sambal of Padang's meal (because I was ordering it from Rumah Makan Padang), it is Sambal Ijo.

Wuuuffhhh...this savory meal make my collesterol will rise up after it. But this meal is recommendation for your "have to hurry" luch time. As it is cheap and faster more than the drive through service on a fast food service. Hehehe...

Hope it can be your choice.

3 komentar:

  1. teak meko bhs asing, blah ka org daerahka sy tena kuissengi aga mu pau sarribattang.."hasbi"

  2. ahahahahaa...moki go international weeeh

  3. enjoy it, yang penting yummy taste...Selama kadar kolesterolnya < 200 mg/dl, amaaannn
