Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017


Since last week ive been thingking about what else to post and share on this blog.
Ive eat not a lot of meals this lately due ive no time just to go outside and find out what is good to eat.

Indonesia have a lotta traditional cakes ( did I say a lot? is a lot).

But this time I want to share to you about this one of traditional cake in Makassar, called Putu Cangkiri.

The name Putu means meals that made by a rice flour, while Cangkiri means this cake looks like the bottom shape of Cangkiri' (Cangkiri in Indonesia is a cup).

We can found the seller of this cake around here in Makassar, normally within mid-afternoon until evening. Due this cake is delicious to eat when the wheather is cold and it eaten completed with a cup of tea or coffee (*gulped). But some people consume them for breakfast though.